Wheelchair users’ perspectives on usability of the adaptive equipment for exercise


Lay Summary by Arman Mohseni Edited by Crystal Han This is a lay summary on the paper by ICORDians Dr. Ben Mortenson, Dr. Jaimie Borisoff, and Dr. Bonita Sawatzky, and their colleagues Rachel Wong, Ashley Stewart, James Laskin, Johanne Mattie, Read More…

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How physical activity can change the heart in individuals with SCI


Lay summary by Ryan Cen Edited by Crystal Han This is a lay summary of the original research article by ICORD researchers Dr. Kathleen Ginis, Dr. Christopher West, Dr. Alexandra Williams, and Dr. Jasmin Ma. Read the original article here. Read More…

Cardiovascular responses to heat exposure training in athletes with SCI


Lay summary by Annie Zhou Edited by Crystal Han This is the lay summary of the original article by Dr. Christopher West, and his colleagues Cameron Gee, Melissa Lacroix, Wendy Pethick, Patrick Côté, Trent Stellingwerff. Read the original article here. Read More…