A BBC story about a man with SCI who can walk again after receiving a new therapy has been in the news over the past couple of days. The story reports that Darek Fidyka, a 40-year-old Polish man who sustained Read More…
Blog Archives: rehab

Wheelchair Skills Training In Canada
| 4 commentsLynda Bennett Learning to use a manual wheelchair can be like learning to ride a bike: through trial and error. Think about the skills you’d need to operate a wheelchair effectively in the community and how long it would it Read More…

Dietary restriction started after spinal cord injury improves functional recovery
| 0 commentsRuth Lin Original article: Plunet, W. T., Streijger, F., Lam, C. K., Lee, J. H., Liu, J., & Tetzlaff, W. (2008). Dietary restriction started after spinal cord injury improves functional recovery. Experimental neurology, 213(1), 28-35. Find the original article here. Summary: In Read More…

Using the unbiased perspectives of people living with a SCI in assessments of mobility
| 0 commentsBy Lynda Bennett Original article: H Booth, LA Harvey, S Denis, D Barratt, GT Allison and RD Adams. “Using the unbiased perspectives of people living with a spinal cord injury in assessments of mobility” Spinal Cord (2013) 51, 843–846; doi:10.1038/sc.2013.100; Read More…

Spasticity changes in SCI using a Segway
| 0 commentsBy Gurpreet Dhanda This is a summary of a paper published by a group of researchers in the Department of Experimental Medicine in Vancouver, British Columbia, in the Spinal Cord. Original Article: Spasticity changes in SCI following a dynamic standing Read More…

Activity-promoting video games
| 0 commentsBy Lynda Bennett Think video games are just for kids? Think again! Researchers in Italy first theorized that video games promoting activity might benefit adults with SCI. Prior research had established that activity-promoting video games increased the use of energy Read More…

Vote to support bladder health grant
| 2 commentsDid you know that many people who have spinal cord disorders, including spinal cord injury and spina bifida, have urinary bladder complications? Those people use catheters to empty their bladders, yet bladder health is a seriously neglected issue. Individuals from developing Read More…

Participation and confidence in older manual wheelchair users
| 0 commentsBy Lynda Bennett This is a summary of a paper published by a group of researchers at the GF Strong Rehabilitation Research Lab in Vancouver, British Columbia, in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Original article: Sakakibara BM, Miller WC, Eng Read More…

Restoring voluntary control of locomotion after paralyzing spinal cord injury
| 2 commentsBy: Nikhita Dogra and Naima Kotadia This is a summary of a paper published by a research group from Zurich, Switzerland in the journal Science. Original article: Rubia van den Brand et al. Restoring Voluntary Control of Locomotion after Paralyzing Read More…

ICORD’s annual report for 2011-12 is now available
| 0 commentsICORD’s annual report for April 2011 to March 2012 is now available. Download the low-resolution PDF.