Allie Donaldson & Otto Tam Edited by Ana-Maria Oproescu This is a summary of a research study conducted by ICORD researchers Dr. Bita Imam, Dr. William Miller, Dr. Hugh Anton, Dr. Susan Forwell, and Dr. Andrea Townson. Click here to Read More…
Blog Archives: community

Power wheelchairs in the community: wheelchair choices of older adults
| 0 commentsBryan Ng Original Article: This is a summary of a paper published by researchers in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy in the University of British Columbia, including ICORD researcher Dr. Ben Mortenson. Mortenson, W. Hammell, K. Luts, Read More…

Using social media to your advantage: a grad student’s story
| 0 commentsby Chad Atkins, ICORD Social Media Project Assistant. Chad is completing his PhD in Chemistry at UBC and has held a Work Learn position with ICORD during the 2014-15 academic year. “He’s rounding third and heading home” – that’s the Read More…

Progress in research leads to cautious optimism
| 1 commentA BBC story about a man with SCI who can walk again after receiving a new therapy has been in the news over the past couple of days. The story reports that Darek Fidyka, a 40-year-old Polish man who sustained Read More…

Vote to support bladder health grant
| 2 commentsDid you know that many people who have spinal cord disorders, including spinal cord injury and spina bifida, have urinary bladder complications? Those people use catheters to empty their bladders, yet bladder health is a seriously neglected issue. Individuals from developing Read More…

Dr. Peter Cripton interviewed on CFAX, February 1
| 0 commentsICORD Principal Investigator Dr. Peter Cripton will be featured on CFAX Radio’s Terry Moore show, Friday, February 1st from 4-5pm. Dr. Cripton will be discussing all types of head injuries, from contact sports to falls. He will also talk about Read More…

ICORD’s annual report for 2011-12 is now available
| 0 commentsICORD’s annual report for April 2011 to March 2012 is now available. Download the low-resolution PDF.

Love on Wheels: Vancouver Writers Fest event @ BSCC
| 0 commentsA unique workshop is coming to the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre, just in time for the Vancouver Writers Festl: noted Mexican poet Ekiwah Adler-Beléndez will host Love on Wheels, a poetry workshop on October 20th from 1-3pm. Adler-Beléndez published his Read More…

Cafe Scientifique webcast
| 1 commentIf you would like to watch the Cafe Scientifique webcast on Spinal Cord Research, please visit Please click on the paperclip icon at the bottom right of the page if you would like to fill out a survey. Thanks!