Lay summary and illustrations by Yasi Yaghoub Edited by Crystal Han This summary is based on the original paper by ICORD researcher Dr. Bonita Sawatzky and her colleagues Celine Edwards, Annemarie Walters-Shumka, Shira Standfield, Tamara Shenkier, and Susan Harris. Read Read More…
Blog Archives: Blog

Effects of exercise on fitness and health of adults with SCI
| 0 commentsLay summary by Aidan Underwood Edited by Crystal Han This is a lay summary of the original research article by Dr. Kathleen Ginis, Dr. Christopher West, and their colleagues Jan W van der Scheer, David Ditor, Victoria Goosey-Tolfrey, Audrey Hicks, Read More…

Cardiac conditions six months following spinal cord injury
| 0 commentsLay summary by Baldip Shergill Edited by Crystal Han This is a lay summary of the original research article by ICORD researchers Dr. Andrei Krassioukov and Shane Balthazaar and in collaboration with their colleagues in Denmark. Read the original article Read More…

What helps people with SCI who walk be active?
| 0 commentsLay summary by Frank Yeung Edited by Crystal Han This is the lay summary of the research article by ICORDians Dr. Kathleen Ginis and Sarah Lawrason. Read the original article here. It is recommended that people with SCI get regular Read More…

Autonomy among wheelchair users with different types of wheelchairs
| 0 commentsLay summary by Aleksander Walter Edited by Crystal Han This is a lay summary of the research article by ICORD researchers Dr. Ben Mortenson, Dr. Jaimie Borisoff, and Mahsa Khallili, and their colleagues , Chelsea Jonathan, Nicole Hocking, and Dr. Read More…

Ketogenic diet as a treatment for brain and spinal cord injury
| 1 commentInfographic by Justin Yap Edited by Crystal Han and Rona Herzog. This is an infographic based on a review article by ICORD researches Dr. Wolfram Tetzlaff, Oscar Seira, Kathleen Kolehmainen, Ward Plunet, and Nima Alaeiikhchi and their colleagues. Read the Read More…

Lived experiences of using ultra-light wheelchairs
| 0 commentsLay summary by Rori Wood Edited by Rona Herzog, Crystal Han. This is a lay summary of the article by ICORD researchers Dr. Jaimie Borisoff and Dr. Ben Mortenson, and their colleagues Johanne Mattie, Leo Aitken-Mundhenk, and Lauren Bicknell. Read the Read More…

Serum albumin may help predict neurological recovery after SCI
| 0 commentsLay summary by Frank Yeung Edited by Rona Herzog, Crystal Han This is a summary of a research study conducted by Lukas Grassner, Jan Schwab, Gale Whiteneck, Fred Geisler, and ICORD researchers Dr. John Kramer, Anh Vo, and Catherine Jutzeler. Read Read More…

Residual pelvic floor muscle activation following SCI
| 0 commentsLay summary by Alison Babichuk Edited by Rona Herzog, Crystal Han This is a lay summary of the original article by ICORD researchers Dr. Tania Lam, Dr. Mark Carpenter, and their colleagues Alison Williams, Gevorg Eginyan, Emily Deegan, and Mason Read More…

Epidural stimulation and cardiovascular function for individuals with SCI
| 0 commentsLay Summary by Tiffany Fong Edited by Rona Herzog This is a summary of a research article conducted by several ICORD researchers, including Dr. Christopher West, Aaron Phillips, Jordan Squair, Alexandra Williams, Matthias Walter, Dr. Tania Lam, and Dr. Andrei Read More…