Lynda Bennet Original article: MacGillivary, M.K., Manocha, R,.H.K., & Sawatzky, B.J. (2015). The influence of a polymer damper on swing-through crutch gait biomechanics, Medical Engineering and Physics Journal. doi: 10.1016 /j.medengphy.2015.12.010. Find the original article here. Crutches are crutches are Read More…
Blog Archives: Blog

Progression of cardiovascular impairments after spinal cord injury
| 4 commentsLisa Liu This is a summary of a research study done by Dr. Christopher West and his colleagues at ICORD. Dr. West’s research interests are focussed on understanding cardiovascular adaptations after spinal cord injury, and the benefits of exercise to Read More…

Power wheelchairs in the community: wheelchair choices of older adults
| 0 commentsBryan Ng Original Article: This is a summary of a paper published by researchers in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy in the University of British Columbia, including ICORD researcher Dr. Ben Mortenson. Mortenson, W. Hammell, K. Luts, Read More…

Investigation on Spasticity and Standing
| 1 commentLynda Bennet Original article: Sadeghi M, McIvor J, Finlayson, H, Sawatzky B. Static standing, dynamic standing and spasticity in individuals with spinal cord. Spinal Cord, 2015, September [ doi: 10.1038/sc.2015.160]. Find the original article here Have a spinal cord injury and experiencing Read More…

Biomaterial Scaffolds with Different Surface types to Promote Differentiation of Stem Cells into Neurons
| 6 commentsBryan Ng This is a summary of a paper published by researchers from the University of Victoria including ICORD researcher Dr. Stephanie Willerth. Khadem Mohtaram N, Ko J, King, C, Sun L, Muller N, Byung-Guk Jun M,Willerth SM. 2014. Electrospun Read More…

Elite endurance performance in athletes with SCI
| 0 commentsMegan Gallant This is a summary of a research study done by Dr. Christopher West and fellow ICORD researchers, to investigate the autonomic and cardiovascular consequences of spinal cord injuries. Original Article: West, C. R., Gee, C. M., Voss, C., Read More…

The Potential Transformation of Our Species by Neural Enhancement
| 0 commentsZaafar Mahmood This is a summary of an article done by Dr. E. Paul Zehr who is a professor in the School of Exercise Science and Division of Medical Sciences at the University of Victoria. Original article: Zehr, E. P. Read More…

Predicting Wheelchair Skills Test Scores with Limited Time and Resources
| 0 commentsLynda Bennett Original article: Sawatzky B, Hers N, MacGillivray MK. Relationships between wheeling parameters and wheelchair skills in adults and children with SCI. Spinal Cord. 2015, February. Find the original article here. Introduction Isn’t amazing how wheelchair technology has changed over Read More…

A new and improved technique for neural stem cell engineering
| 4 commentsInes Lacarne This is a summary of a paper by researchers in the laboratory of ICORD researcher Dr. Stephanie Willerth. Dr. Willerth was recently named one of the 2015 Young Innovators in Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering by the Biomedical Engineering Read More…

Energy Harvesters: Generating Electricity During Walking with Minimal User Effort
| 0 commentsMartin Keung This is a summary of a journal article published in Science. Dr. Andy Hoffer, a principal investigator at ICORD, was one of the researchers involved with this project. J.M. Donelan, et al. (2008). Biomechanical energy harvesting: generating electricity during Read More…