Virtual reality assisted upper limb rehabilitation for tetraplegia: feasibility assessment of Armeo® device (completed)

Please note this study is no longer recruiting participants

ICORD and GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre are conducting a clinical study to examine the use of Armeo®, a non-invasive physical rehabilitation device which incorporates virtual reality training exercises and games, for rehabilitation of upper limb function after cervical spinal cord injury (SCI).

This new device complements, but does not replace, current rehabilitation activities. The assessed outcomes – changes in arm and hand function (i.e. strength, range of motion, coordination) – are intended to address the feasibility and effectiveness of using the Armeo® system for rehabilitation after cervical SCI, from both patient and therapist perspectives.

Individuals with cervical SCI who meet the following criteria may be eligible to participate:
•    Between 19 – 60 years of age
•    SCI between the 4th and 8th cervical segment
•    Are at least 1 month from the date of SCI
•    Are not ventilator dependent or have a shoulder, arm, hand injury and are able to sit upright for at least 30 minutes.

If you choose to enroll and are eligible to participate you will engage in 6 weeks of supervised Armeo® training (up to 5 times per week), and undergo assessments for changes in arm and hand function, while also receiving the current standards of upper limb rehabilitation. Follow-up assessment of neurological and functional outcomes will be re-examined during training at 2, 4 & 6 weeks, and subsequently at 8 & 12 weeks.
Principal Investigators: Drs. John Steeves, Rhonda Wilms, Andrea Townson