Latest ICORD Research Studies:

Co-developing a smoking cessation intervention for people with SCI
SCI BC has partnered with Dr. Heather Gainforth, an Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia Okanagan, to conduct a study to co-develop a smoking cessation intervention for people with spinal cord injury. We are currently recruiting (a) people Read More…

Exploring empathy amongst individuals with SCI or TBI
The purpose of this study is to explore the role of empathy in the daily lives of individuals who have an acquired spinal cord injury (SCI) and/or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Individuals will participate in a phone or Zoom interview Read More…

Heart rate variability and anxiety during urinary bladder catheterization
Intermittent catheterization following SCI is the preferred method for emptying the bladder. However, the experience of intermittent catheterization can be a challenging one, for instance, giving rise to autonomic dysreflexia or feelings of anxiety and stress. We are interested in Read More…

Effect of behavioural tasks on capsaicin and mechanical pain
Interested in neurophysiological research? Volunteers needed (ages 19-45) to take part in a study investigating the relationship between behavioral tasks and pain from capsaicin cream. Your participation would involve a single session of 90 minutes at ICORD. Before the testing Read More…

Opinions on wearable sensors to detect sudden cardiac arrest
Our research team is interested in understanding user compliance to using wearable devices with regards to perceived risk of experiencing a cardiac arrest, and user design preferences in terms of the dimensions and location of a potential wearable device. Cardiac Read More…

Sex differences in cardiac function in individuals high-level SCI
Drs. Chris West and Alexandra Williams are investigating whether there are differences between the male and female heart in individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) between the C4 and T6 levels, in comparison to any sex-related differences that exist in Read More…

Patterns of respiration: paced and sleep breathing dynamics in SCI
ICORD researcher Dr. Claydon and her research team at SFU are interested in studying how spinal cord injury (SCI) may impact the relationship between breathing and cardiovascular function, and to characterise the interactions between breathing-related cardiovascular regulation and obstructive sleep Read More…

Ultrasound evaluation of muscle health following cervical spinal cord injury
The objective of this study is to investigate sublesional muscle health in SCI patients with subacute cervical SCI. We are comparing several ultrasound measures between patients and healthy controls. Participants will be asked to relax in a comfortable sitting position. Read More…

Pain sensitivity and brain chemistry in participants without chronic pain
Are you interested in getting your brain scanned? Researchers in Dr. John Kramer’s lab are recruiting participants (ages 19-45) not diagnosed with chronic pain, spinal cord injury, or other major health conditions for an Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/Magnetic resonance spectroscopy Read More…

Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) on the Pelvic Floor Muscles
This study looks at a device that uses light to determine the fitness of muscles in the body, specifically the researchers want to look at the pelvic floor muscles that help with bladder control. This study will measure the difference Read More…