Damian Feldman-Kiss Original Article: C. A. Angeli, V. R. Edgerton, Y. P. Gerasimenko and S. J. Harkema (2014). Altering spinal cord excitability enables voluntary movements after chronic complete paralysis in humans. Brain, 137(5), 1394-1409. Find the original article here. Summary: Complete paralysis is the Read More…
SCInfo Blog

Dietary restriction started after spinal cord injury improves functional recovery
| 0 commentsRuth Lin Original article: Plunet, W. T., Streijger, F., Lam, C. K., Lee, J. H., Liu, J., & Tetzlaff, W. (2008). Dietary restriction started after spinal cord injury improves functional recovery. Experimental neurology, 213(1), 28-35. Find the original article here. Summary: In Read More…

Using the unbiased perspectives of people living with a SCI in assessments of mobility
| 0 commentsBy Lynda Bennett Original article: H Booth, LA Harvey, S Denis, D Barratt, GT Allison and RD Adams. “Using the unbiased perspectives of people living with a spinal cord injury in assessments of mobility” Spinal Cord (2013) 51, 843–846; doi:10.1038/sc.2013.100; Read More…

Prevention is part of the cure
| 0 commentsICORD Researcher Dr. Peter Cripton discusses injury prevention in the latest edition of Nature Outlook.

Changes in the structure of the spinal cord after surgical decompression
| 0 commentsBy Jennifer Pisarek This is the summary of a paper published by a researcher from the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Orthopaedics, ICORD researchers, and a researcher from the Combined Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic Spine Program. Original article: Jones et al. Read More…

Research in Focus: Stem Cells
| 5 commentsBy Gabrielle John Research in focus aims to profile and translate research that has been reviewed by highly respected peers in the field of spinal cord injury to the community, as a means to maintain community engagement with on going Read More…

Managing fatigue following spinal cord injury
| 12 commentsBy Jennifer Pisarek This is a summary of a paper published by researchers from the Department of Occupational Science and Therapy, ICORD, and the British Columbia Paraplegic Association from Vancouver, Canada in the journal Disability and Rehabilitation. Original article: Hammel Read More…

Autonomic Dysreflexia after Spinal Cord Injury
| 0 commentsBy Jennifer Pisarek This is a summary of a paper published by ICORD researchers from Vancouver, Canada in The Spine Journal. Original article: Alan et al. (2010). Recurrent autonomic dysreflexia exacerbates vascular dysfunction after spinal cord injury. The Spine Journal, Read More…

Spasticity changes in SCI using a Segway
| 0 commentsBy Gurpreet Dhanda This is a summary of a paper published by a group of researchers in the Department of Experimental Medicine in Vancouver, British Columbia, in the Spinal Cord. Original Article: Spasticity changes in SCI following a dynamic standing Read More…

Activity-promoting video games
| 0 commentsBy Lynda Bennett Think video games are just for kids? Think again! Researchers in Italy first theorized that video games promoting activity might benefit adults with SCI. Prior research had established that activity-promoting video games increased the use of energy Read More…