
Control of the heart and blood vessels in individuals with SCI

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Researcher(s): Dr. Victoria Claydon

ICORD & SFU researcher Dr. Victoria Claydon is seeking volunteers to take part in a research study looking at control of the heart and blood vessels in cardiostudyindividuals who have sustained a spinal cord injury.

After spinal cord injury (SCI) nerves that are important in controlling blood pressure, heart rate and blood flow to the brain may be damaged. This can lead to heart disease and strokes, and severely impacts quality of life and rehabilitation of spinal cord injured individuals.

The results of this study may improve the treatment and management of cardiovascular complications in individuals with SCI.

The principle requirement is that volunteers should have sustained their injury more than one year ago. The study involves three tests: measurements of blood pressure, heart rate and blood flow when lying and sitting; a DEXA scan (a body scan that measures bone density); and a test of the changes in blood sugar that occur after drinking a sugary drink. Testing can be performed over 2 or 3 visits at the volunteers’ convenience. Study visits can be performed at the SFU Burnaby Campus, SFU Downtown Campus, or the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre.

Participants will receive compensation.

If you are interested in taking part in this study please contact:

Dr Victoria Claydon or Ms Maureen McGrath

Phone: 778-782-8513/604-765-9287

E-mail: victoria_claydon(at)sfu.ca or maureen.mcgrath(at)vch.ca