Please note this study is no longer recruiting participants
Researchers at ICORD are looking for people with tetraplegia to take part in a study comparing two types of treatments for hand function:
• To test whether daily exercises combined with electrical stimulation improves hand function in people with tetraplegia
• To compare a number of tests used to detect these improvements
• To determine if there are changes in the brain and spinal cord after treatments.
Participants will be:
• Provided with an electrical stimulator glove fitted for the hand.
• Tested on ability to grasp and manipulate objects on a work station.
• Provided with an exercise work station (ReJoyce), a computer and webcam to do exercises daily at home under the tele-supervision of a research assistant.
If you are interested in volunteering and you:
• Have a C5, C6, or C7 complete or incomplete SCI
• Were injured at least 9 months ago
• Are in stable medical condition
Please contact lamlab@icord.org for more information.