
Dermatomal somatosensory evoked potentials (completed)

Researcher(s): Dr. John Steeves

Researchers at ICORD  investigated new neurophysiological techniques that could potentially provide more information about damage to the spinal cord following injury.

To interpret changes due to spinal cord injury (SCI), control subjects were required who met the following criteria:

  • Between the age of 18-60
  • Have no history of SCI or other pathology of the spine or nervous system
  • No history of substance abuse, head trauma or epilepsy

Subjects answered a brief neurological questionnaire (5 minutes) followed by a 1 hour neurophysiological testing session involving electrical stimulation of the arm and thorax.

The purpose of the testing is to help assess the cortical response to Dermatomal stimulation, at a level comfortable to and determined by the subject. Test sessions were conducted in the Neurophysiology Lab at the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre.