Latest ICORD Research Studies:

Relationship between spasticity in walking and hyperactive spinal reflexes
Researchers in Dr. Tania Lam’s lab are studying the day-to-day differences in muscle reflexes and the relationship between muscle reflexes and movement in people with and without spinal cord injury. Muscle activity and reflexes in the leg muscle will be Read More…

Validating quantitative ultrasound measures of upper limb muscle size
Muscle strength, especially in the upper limb, is a very important outcome related to physical functioning and quality of life. However, current strength testing devices (dynamometers) are unable to capture the strength of a single muscle and often focus on Read More…

Neuromodulation for bladder function (SCONE clinical study)
We are trying to understand how neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (loss of bladder control) can be recovered after brain or spinal cord damage due to spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis or stroke. The study treatment will take about an Read More…

Pelvic floor muscle activity during exoskeleton walking
Researchers in Dr. Tania Lam’s laboratory are interested in understanding how the pelvic floor muscles respond to walking in different exoskeletons. We are looking for individuals with motor-complete SCI to complete 2 laboratory visits. On the first visit, participants will Read More…

eHealth program to support family caregivers of individuals with SCI
As part of our multi-phase eHealth module development study, we have completed our first stage of co-creating the contents of the module from family caregivers and healthcare professionals through numerous interviews. We have identified 9 main topics that may be Read More…

Experiences of people with SCI leaving rehabilitation and integrating into the community
For many spinal cord injury (SCI) patients, rehabilitation to community transition can be challenging. According to a study, 17–25% of people with SCI experience physical and mental disorders after entering the community. However, most of these studies were done before Read More…

Physiological impact of the AAPLEwalk sit to stand exercise machine
[updated April 11, 2023] This study aims to explore the usability and acute physiological potential of a new sit to stand exercise machine that is being developed at BCIT. To do this, researchers in the Borisoff lab will be engaging Read More…

The impact of a new method of exercise on muscle development in people with SCI
This study is being conducted to explore a novel and safe method of muscle improvement in people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Improving upper limb muscle strength, mass, and function is an essential clinical priority for improving daily living activities Read More…

Exploring the impact of front-end attachments on eye gaze patterns
The study is open to manual wheelchair users and ambulatory individuals. The study aims to explore how the use of front-end wheelchair attachment devices, such as the Freewheel, impacts users’ eye gaze patterns. Specifically, navigation strategies will be explored with Read More…

Online training on spinal cord injury physical activity counselling
You are invited to take part in a study that aims to evaluate online training modules on the best practices for spinal cord injury (SCI) physical activity counselling. The results will be used to further improve the training and will Read More…