By: Armita Shadgan This is a summary of a research paper by Dr. Babak Shadgan who is a clinical biophotonics research scientist working at the ICORD NeuroUrology Lab of Dr. Mark Nigro. Original article: Shadgan B, et al., Optical diagnosis of Read More…
Blog Archives: Blog
Studying skin-derived cells for experimental SCI treatment
| 0 commentsThis is a summary of a paper published in the Journal of Neuroscience. Schwann cells generated from neonatal skin-derived precursors or neonatal peripheral nerve improve functional recovery after acute transplantation into the partially Injured Cervical Spinal Cord of the Rat Read More…
Five things to know about sudden fall in blood pressure and aging
| 43 commentsBy Daniel Romila This is a summary of a letter to the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society published by ICORD researchers from the Department of Medicine at the University of British Columbia. The intention is to make physicians aware Read More…
Muscle changes after chronic spinal cord injury
| 0 commentsBy Ines Lacarne This is a summary of a paper published by researchers at the Toronto Rehab Institute. Original article: Moore C.D., et al (2015). Lower-extremity muscle atrophy and fat infiltration after chronic spinal cord injury. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Read More…
Using social media to your advantage: a grad student’s story
| 0 commentsby Chad Atkins, ICORD Social Media Project Assistant. Chad is completing his PhD in Chemistry at UBC and has held a Work Learn position with ICORD during the 2014-15 academic year. “He’s rounding third and heading home” – that’s the Read More…
Experimental treatment of SCI using transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells with nerve bridging.
| 6 commentsBy: Dominik Zbogar This is a summary of a paper by researchers in Poland. Original article: Pawel Tabakow et al. (2014). Functional regeneration of supraspinal connections in a patient with transected spinal cord following transplantation of bulbar olfactory ensheathing cells Read More…
Maintaining arm health in wheelchair users: The need for updated guidelines
| 3 commentsLynda Bennett Original article: Sawatzy B, DiGiovine C, Berner T, Roesler T, Katte L. The Need for Updated Clinical Practice Guidelines for Preservation of Upper Extremities in Manual Wheelchair Users: A Position Paper. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Read More…
Under the Microscope
| 0 commentsAre you looking for our “Under the Microscope” posts? We’ve moved all the posts to here! Under the Microscope is column written by Dr. Ward Plunet for the Blusson Buzz, ICORD’s weekly internal newsletter. Ward earned his Phd in neuroscience from UBC, Read More…
Progress in research leads to cautious optimism
| 1 commentA BBC story about a man with SCI who can walk again after receiving a new therapy has been in the news over the past couple of days. The story reports that Darek Fidyka, a 40-year-old Polish man who sustained Read More…
Wheelchair Skills Training In Canada
| 4 commentsLynda Bennett Learning to use a manual wheelchair can be like learning to ride a bike: through trial and error. Think about the skills you’d need to operate a wheelchair effectively in the community and how long it would it Read More…