Lay Summary by Frank Yeung Edited by Rona Herzog This is a summary of a paper by ICORD researchers Taha Qaiser, Gevorg Eginyan, Franco Chan, and Dr. Tania Lam. To access the full article click here. In 2019, researchers from Read More…
Blog Archives

Osteoporosis after spinal cord injury
| 2 commentsInfographic by Crystal Han, inspired by SCIRE community page. Edited by Rona Herzog If you are interested in learning more, take a look at SCIRE Community’s page on Osteoporosis after SCI. Osteoporosis commonly affects individuals with SCI, primarily occurring below Read More…

Developing and testing an E-learning program to increase physical activity among people with SCI
| 0 commentsLay Summary by Matthew Ma Edited by Rona Herzog This is a summary of a research study by researchers at the University of Alabama. ICORD PI Dr. Kathleen Martin Ginis is a co-author. Click here to access the original paper. Read More…

Outdoor recreation participation among manual wheelchair users
| 0 commentsLay Summary by Rona Herzog This is a summary of research conducted by Ashley Menzies (UBC), Carolyn Mazan (UBC), Johanne Mattie (BCIT) and ICORD PIs Dr. Ben Mortenson and Dr. Jamie Borisoff. Click here to access the original research paper. Read More…

Relationship between red blood cell distribution, cardiorespiratory fitness, and level of SCI
| 0 commentsLay Summary by Yasi Yaghoub Art by Yasi Yaghoub Edited by Rona Herzog This is a summary of research conducted with ICORD researchers Dr. Tom Nightingale, Gurjeet S. Bhangu, Dr. Andrei Krassioukov, and their colleague, professor James L.J. Bilzon. Click Read More…

Neurologic safety of baclofen use after a spinal cord injury
| 1 commentLay Summary by Lauren Eggenberger Edited by Rona Herzog This is a summary of a research study conducted with ICORD researchers Dr. Jacquelyn Cragg, Bobo Tong, Catherine R. Jutzeler, Freda M. Warner, Dr. John Kramer, and their colleagues. Click here to Read More…

Progress in research leads to cautious optimism
| 1 commentA BBC story about a man with SCI who can walk again after receiving a new therapy has been in the news over the past couple of days. The story reports that Darek Fidyka, a 40-year-old Polish man who sustained Read More…

Managing fatigue following spinal cord injury
| 12 commentsBy Jennifer Pisarek This is a summary of a paper published by researchers from the Department of Occupational Science and Therapy, ICORD, and the British Columbia Paraplegic Association from Vancouver, Canada in the journal Disability and Rehabilitation. Original article: Hammel Read More…