Lay Summary by Aleksander Walter Edited by Rona Herzog This lay summary is based on a research study conducted by ICORD researchers Cameron Gee, Alexandra Williams, Dr. William Sheel, Dr. Christopher West, and their colleague Neil Eves. To access the Read More…
Blog Archives

Acute effects of SCI on cardiovascular autonomic function via evaluating changes in low-frequency blood pressure variability
| 0 commentsLay Summary by Daman Dhunna Edited by Rona Herzog This is a summary of a paper by ICORD researchers Vera-Ellen Lucci, Dr. Jessica Inskip, Maureen McGrath, Dr. Brian Kwon, Dr. Victoria Claydon, and their colleagues Dr. Ian Ruiz and Rebekah Read More…

What is myelopathy? (Web Illustration)
| 0 commentsScript and Art by Yasi Yaghoub This web illustration reviews spinal cord anatomy, and discusses the causes and symptoms of myelopathy.

What is demyelination? (Web Illustration)
| 1 commentScript and Art by Yasi Yaghoub This web illustration reviews myelin, the processes and results of demyelination, and one example of remyelination in the central nervous system.

Relationship between red blood cell distribution, cardiorespiratory fitness, and level of SCI
| 0 commentsLay Summary by Yasi Yaghoub Art by Yasi Yaghoub Edited by Rona Herzog This is a summary of research conducted with ICORD researchers Dr. Tom Nightingale, Gurjeet S. Bhangu, Dr. Andrei Krassioukov, and their colleague, professor James L.J. Bilzon. Click Read More…

Boosting in Athletes with Spinal Cord Injury: Implications for Sports
| 0 commentsBy Martin Keung Dr. Krassioukov is a principal investigator at ICORD. The Krassiokov laboratory researches autonomic dysreflexia, cardiovascular health, locomotor training, physical medicine and sexual rehabilitation in persons with SCI. Gee, C. West, and A.Krassioukov. (2015). Boosting in Elite Athletes with Spinal Cord Injury: Read More…

Restoring breathing after cervical SCI
| 2 commentsBy: Andre Fallavollita This is a summary of a paper published by a research group from Ohio, USA in the journal Nature. Original article: Alilain WJ, Horn KP, Hu H, Dick TE, Silver J. Functional regeneration of respiratory pathways after spinal cord Read More…