Lay summary by Preshon Pillay Edited by Crystal Han This is the lay summary written on the paper by Mélissa Nadeau, Supriya Singh, Lise Belanger, Vanessa Noonan, Lynsey Hamilton, Dr. Michael Boyd, Nicolas Dea, Dr. Brian Kwon, Dr. Scott Paquette, Read More…
Blog Archives: pain

Breast cancer treatment in women with SCI and health conditions
| 0 commentsLay summary and illustrations by Yasi Yaghoub Edited by Crystal Han This summary is based on the original paper by ICORD researcher Dr. Bonita Sawatzky and her colleagues Celine Edwards, Annemarie Walters-Shumka, Shira Standfield, Tamara Shenkier, and Susan Harris. Read Read More…

Natural pain-inhibiting mechanism may worsen due to neuropathic pain
| 0 commentsLay summary by Arman Mohseni Edited by Rona Herzog, Crystal Han This is a lay summary of the original research paper by Dr. John Kramer, Dr. Martin Gagné, Dr. Isabelle Côté, Dr. Mélanie Boulet, Dr. Catherine Jutzeler, Dr. Catherine Mercier. Read More…

Physical activity, chronic pain, and subjective well-being among individuals with SCI
| 2 commentsLay Summary by Nicholas Jo Edited by Rona Herzog and Crystal Han This is a summary of research conducted by ICORD researchers Kendra Todd, Sarah Lawrason, Robert Shaw, Dr. Kathleen Martin Ginis, and their colleague Dr. Derrick Wirtz. Click here Read More…

The Neuroscience of Pain
| 2 commentsJessica Archibald I am in the first year of my PhD program in Experimental Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC). My supervisor, Dr. John Kramer, is a principal investigator with ICORD (International Collaboration On Repair Discoveries), a spinal Read More…

How is neuropathic pain studied?
| 3 commentsWhat is neuropathic pain? Pain typically occurs when damage to the body creates a signal that is relayed to the brain by the nervous system. Neuropathic pain, on the other hand, is pain resulting from damage directly to the nervous system. Continue reading

Muscle changes after chronic spinal cord injury
| 0 commentsBy Ines Lacarne This is a summary of a paper published by researchers at the Toronto Rehab Institute. Original article: Moore C.D., et al (2015). Lower-extremity muscle atrophy and fat infiltration after chronic spinal cord injury. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Read More…