Lay summary by Aidan Underwood Edited by Crystal Han This is a lay summary of the original research article by Dr. Kathleen Ginis, Dr. Christopher West, and their colleagues Jan W van der Scheer, David Ditor, Victoria Goosey-Tolfrey, Audrey Hicks, Read More…
Blog Archives

What helps people with SCI who walk be active?
| 0 commentsLay summary by Frank Yeung Edited by Crystal Han This is the lay summary of the research article by ICORDians Dr. Kathleen Ginis and Sarah Lawrason. Read the original article here. It is recommended that people with SCI get regular Read More…

How physical activity can change the heart in individuals with SCI
| 0 commentsLay summary by Ryan Cen Edited by Crystal Han This is a lay summary of the original research article by ICORD researchers Dr. Kathleen Ginis, Dr. Christopher West, Dr. Alexandra Williams, and Dr. Jasmin Ma. Read the original article here. Read More…

Developing and testing an E-learning program to increase physical activity among people with SCI
| 0 commentsLay Summary by Matthew Ma Edited by Rona Herzog This is a summary of a research study by researchers at the University of Alabama. ICORD PI Dr. Kathleen Martin Ginis is a co-author. Click here to access the original paper. Read More…