Dr. Miriam Spering

Associate Member

Ph.D. [Psychology and Neuroscience] (University of Giessen)
Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia

Research Interests

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Dr. Miriam Spering is both a neuroscientist and a psychologist. Her research focuses on how the brain uses visual cues to control movement in humans. Part of this research involves looking at various disease models, such as schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, and spinal cord injury (SCI), and their impact on vision and related motor responses. One of the goals of Dr. Spering’s work is to assess whether training can compensate for abnormalities in vision and eye movements in these patients, with the long-term goal of developing rehabilitation tools based around eye movements. Her group also investigates visual perception and eye movements in professional athletes.

At ICORD, Dr. Spering directs the Visual Performance and Oculomotor Mobility Lab. She is a member of the Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, the Djavad Movafaghian Center for Brain Health (DMCBH), and the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems (ICICS) at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Spering obtained her B.Sc and M.Sc in Psychology from the Universities of Heidelberg, Konstanz, and Exeter (England). In 2006, she obtained her PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience from the University of Giessen in Germany. She was a post-doctoral fellow at New York University, with funding provided by the German Research Foundation.

Dr. Spering says that her favourite aspect of being a part of ICORD is the collaborative atmosphere. While the primary focus of her research is not centered on SCI, Dr. Spering has begun looking at ways in which her research methods and experience could be applied to SCI. As such, she is presently investigating eye movements in individuals who use wheelchairs.

For some of her major findings, please see the selected papers below, as well as her recent publications listed at the bottom of the page:


Some of Dr. Spering’s major awards and accomplishments include:

  • J.A.F. Stevenson Visiting Professorship of the Canadian Physiological Society (2018)
  • Basic Science Research Award (UBC Ophthalmology, 2016)
  • Early Career Scholar Award (Peter Wall Insitute for Advanced Studies, 2012-2013)
  • German Research Foundation (DFG, 2008-2010)
  • Klaus Tschira Award for Achievements in Public Understanding of Science, Neuroscience category (2007)

Current Lab Members

Ph.D. Students Post-Doctoral Fellows Medical Students
Jolande Fooken Anouk de Brouwer Matthew Madsen
Xiuyun Wu Doris Chow
Philipp Kreyenmeier

Trainee Awards

Year Name Award
2017 Austin Rothwell Wesbrook Scholarship & John H. Mitchell Memorial Scholarship (UBC)
2016 Austin Rothwell Go Global (UBC)
2016 Philipp Kreyenmeier Conference travel award and study abroad (German Academic National Foundation)
2016 Jolande Fooken Student Travel Award (Vision Sciences Society)
2016 Austin Rothwell Undergraduate Student Research Award (NSERC)
2015 Sumeet Mutti Undergraduate Student Research Award (NSERC)
2014 Kathryn Lalonde Master’s Award (NSERC)
 2014 Jeffrey Wang Summer Student Research Program Award (UBC Faculty of Medicine)

Current Opportunities In the Lab

Please see Dr. Spering’s webpage here for more information on her research, group, and current opportunities.

Recent publications

  • Meier, K, Warner, S, Spering, M, Giaschi, D. 2025. Poor fixation stability does not account for motion perception deficits in amblyopia.. Sci Rep. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-83624-9.
  • Lapsansky, AB, Kreyenmeier, P, Spering, M, Wylie, DR, Altshuler, DL. 2025. Hummingbirds use compensatory eye movements to stabilize both rotational and translational visual motion.. Proc Biol Sci. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2024.2015.
  • Varon, S, Babin, K, Spering, M, Culham, JC. 2025. Target interception in virtual reality is better for natural versus unnatural trajectory shapes and orientations.. J Vis. doi: 10.1167/jov.25.1.11.
  • Carrasco, M, Spering, M. 2024. Perception-action Dissociations as a Window into Consciousness.. J Cogn Neurosci. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_02122.
  • Kreyenmeier, P, Kumbhani, R, Movshon, JA, Spering, M. 2024. Shared Mechanisms Drive Ocular Following and Motion Perception.. eNeuro. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0204-24.2024.
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