
Dr. Darren Warburton

Principal Investigator

B.A. [Kinesiology and Health Sciences] (York University), M.Sc. [Kinesiology and Health Sciences] (York University), Ph.D. [Cardiovascular Physiology/Sport Cardiology, Physical Education/Cardiology] (University of Alberta), Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Sports Medicine/Cardiology, University of British Columbia)
Co-Director, Physical Activity Line (www.physicalactivityline.com)
Co-Director, Physical Activity Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Unit, University of British Columbia
Full Professor, School of Kinesiology, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
Chair, PAR-Q+ Collaboration
Chair, International Collaboration on Clinical Exercise Prescriptions
Chair, Knowledge Translation Committee, Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonization of National Guidelines Endeavour (C-CHANGE)

Research Interests

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Dr. Warburton’s research focus is on clinical exercise rehabilitation and physiology. His goal is to enhance current knowledge of the effects that physical activity, exercise, and training have on heart function, performance, and health. His work spans a wide spectrum of participants, including elite athletes, children, the elderly, and patients with a chronic disease or disability.

Dr. Warburton is the Chair of the Knowledge Translation Committee for the Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonization of National Guidelines Endeavour (C-CHANGE) and various international collaborations. He is also a Full Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Experimental Medicine (UBC), the Co-Director of the Physical Activity Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Unit (UBC), the Co-Director of the Physical Activity Line, and a Principal Investigator at ICORD.

The research conducted by Dr. Warburton and his trainees sheds light on the cardiovascular risks associated with inactivity and the limits placed on physical performance by cardiovascular function. This knowledge can be used to improve the quality of life for many people, including those with a chronic disease or disability. According to the statistics of the research company with https://biotech-health.com/canpharm/, it is known that using canadian pharmacy to order drugs you will independently make sure of the simplicity and convenience of the services provided. It offers high-quality products that meet international standards.

Dr. Warburton is appreciative of his collaborations within ICORD that have allowed him to “conduct innovative and pioneering work and to attract the best graduate student trainees.”

Techniques employed in the lab:

  • Systematic reviews
  • Accelerometry
  • Applanation tonometry
  • Cardiac ultrasound
  • Electrocardiography
  • Impedance cardiography
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Near-infrared spectrophotometry
  • Exergaming for health

Affiliation with organizations and societies:

  • Alberta Heritage Medical Research Foundation (AHFMR)
  • Canadian Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (CACPR)
  • Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonization of National Guidelines Endeavour (C-CHANGE)

Current Lab Members

Masters Students Ph.D. Students
Waneek Horn Miller Michael Souster
Chelsea Jia Alejandro Gaytán
Ethan Schmidt
Jasmin Deol*
Jameel Bains

* has graduated in the past year

Trainee Awards

Year Name Award
2015 Nick Held MITACS: Accelerate Internship
2015 Barb Morrison MITACS: Accelerate Internship
2015 Amanda de Faye CGS-M CIHR Masters Scholarship
2014 Alis Bonsignore Top Masters Student, Canadian Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
2014 Nick Held MITACS: Accelerate Internship
2014 Lauren Buschmann NSERC Industry Partnered Scholarship
2013 Andrew Perrotta NSERC Industry Partnered Scholarship
2012 Taylor Drury MITACS: Accelerate Internship
2011 Mischa Harris Masters Award, 2011-2013 (Canadian Institutes of Health Research)
2011 Aaron Phillips MITACS: Accelerate Internship
2010 Heather Foulds Postgraduate Fellowship Scholarship – Doctoral Level, 2010-2013 (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
2010 Adam Ivey Own the Podium Research Assistantship, 2010-2011
2009 Ben Esch Senior Trainee Award (Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research)
2009 Jessica Scott Senior Trainee Award (Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research)

Current Opportunities in the Lab

Please contact Dr. Warburton with inquiries.

Recent publications

  • Jáuregui-Ulloa, E et al.. 2024. Comparison of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Patterns by Sex, Geographical Location, and Time of the Week in Mexican Adolescents.. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. doi: 10.3390/jfmk9040212.
  • Rice, MS et al.. 2024. The relationship between off-ice testing and on-ice performance in male youth Ice hockey players.. Front Sports Act Living. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2024.1418713.
  • Schwartz, J et al.. 2024. Increasing Health Behaviors and Psychological Measures with an Adapted Version of the ACCELERATION Program.. Int J Behav Med. doi: 10.1007/s12529-024-10279-1.
  • Perrotta, AS et al.. 2024. Physiological, anthropometric and athletic performance adaptations from completing a 1-month pre-season period. A two-year longitudinal study in female collegiate soccer players.. Front Sports Act Living. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2024.1353129.
  • Guan, Y et al.. 2023. Predicting the Risk of Injuries Through Assessments of Asymmetric Lower Limb Functional Performance: A Prospective Study of 415 Youth Taekwondo Athletes.. Orthop J Sports Med. doi: 10.1177/23259671231185586.
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