
It’s not rocket science, it’s harder! A Café Scientifique event on January 19, 2012

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“Scientific breakthroughs” often appear in the news, yet we still have no cure for spinal cord injury. Join our expert panel of ICORD researchers for refreshments and lively discussion about how discoveries in the laboratory translate into treatments that affect lives now, as well as the inherent challenges in that process.

Speakers: Brian Kwon, MD, PhD • John Steeves, PhD • Andrei Krassioukov, MD, PhD • Bonita Sawatzky, PhD

7-9 pm, Thursday 19 January 2012
Blusson Spinal Cord Centre Atrium
No charge • Registration required.
RSVP to cafe@icord.org

Supported by CIHRFirefly Fine Wines and Ales The Lazy GourmetLonsdale Event Rentals