Latest ICORD Research Studies:
Sedentary Behaviour and people with physical disabilities INTerview (SBrINT)
Researchers in the SCI Action Canada Lab are exploring how people with physical disabilities experience sedentary behaviour (i.e., sitting still for long periods of time). Participants will be interviewed (~60 minutes) to explore what they know about sedentary behaviour and Read More…
Diagnosis of Compartment Syndrome using a non-invasive optical method
Researchers in Dr. Babak Shadgan‘s lab want to examine the feasibility of a wireless technology named NIRS in monitoring leg muscle blood flow and oxygenation and tissue pressure during a protocol of running, and also investigate the ability of non-invasive Read More…
Co-developing a novel intervention to promote wellbeing of family caregivers and individuals with spinal cord injury
ICORD researcher Dr. William C. Miller and his research team at UBC are exploring the use of an eHealth tool developed to optimize the well-being of family caregivers of individuals with a spinal cord injury. We partnered with Brooke Pagé Read More…
Predicting tissue perfusion using near-infrared spectroscopy
This study aims to develop a method for estimating tissue Perfusion Index using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) parameters. By accurately predicting the perfusion index from NIRS parameters (NPI), the study seeks to explore NIRS potential clinical implications in enhancing patient monitoring Read More…
Fatigue properties of the first dorsal interosseous muscle in SCI
We are currently conducting a study to understand why people with spinal cord injury (SCI) experience greater muscle fatigue than healthy people. Increased amounts of muscle fatigue, which is defined as an exercise-induced reduction in muscle force, can negatively impact quality of life by Read More…
Determining a standard location to measure tissue oxygen levels in healthy adults
Researchers in Dr. Babak Shadgan’s lab are investigating how oxygen levels vary across different parts of the body in healthy people. Our goal is to find one spot on the body where oxygen levels are similar among multiple individuals. Participants Read More…
Integrating patient-centered outcomes in rehabilitation and community spinal cord injury care
Patient-centered spinal cord injury care considers the needs, preferences, and values of patients. Completing self-assessment questionnaires at specific time points in treatment can help clinical teams better understand how individuals with a spinal cord injury feel and can function, and Read More…
Evaluation of occupational engagement while using an activity chair
This UBC Master of Occupational Therapy capstone project aims to understand how the use of an activity chair affects daily living among adults with chronic conditions resulting in pain, fatigue, or low standing endurance. Participants will first decide on an Read More…
Push until it hurts: The impact of acute exercise on muscle-level pressure pain
Researchers in Dr. Kramer’s lab are interested in better understanding how exercise impacts our pain experience. We are looking for people to attend one day of testing, which includes pressure pain measurements before and after a bout of high-intensity cycling. Read More…
Sleep routines and sleep disturbances after SCI
ICORD researcher Dr. Claydon and her research team at SFU, and community partner Spinal Cord Injury BC are interested in learning more about the sleep routines, disturbances, and barriers to sleep supports experienced by individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI), Read More…