The purpose of this study was to determine whether a powered wheelchair user’s ‘goal satisfaction’ improved after five sessions of individualized wheelchair skills training. The researchers also wanted to determine whether or not these changes in satisfaction were maintained 3 months after the training ended. Continue reading
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Wheeling strategies in manual wheelchair users and able-bodied individuals
| 0 commentsWhat is biomechanics? Biomechanics is the science of movement of a living body, including how muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to produce movement. Continue reading

Predicting Wheelchair Skills Test Scores with Limited Time and Resources
| 0 commentsLynda Bennett Original article: Sawatzky B, Hers N, MacGillivray MK. Relationships between wheeling parameters and wheelchair skills in adults and children with SCI. Spinal Cord. 2015, February. Find the original article here. Introduction Isn’t amazing how wheelchair technology has changed over Read More…

Participation and confidence in older manual wheelchair users
| 0 commentsBy Lynda Bennett This is a summary of a paper published by a group of researchers at the GF Strong Rehabilitation Research Lab in Vancouver, British Columbia, in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Original article: Sakakibara BM, Miller WC, Eng Read More…

A wheelchair skills camp for children with SCI
| 1 commentBy: Leanne Ramer and Bonita Sawatzky A wheelchair skills camp for children with SCI Mobility is an issue for most people with SCI, but one group of people that deserve special consideration is children with SCI who use wheelchairs. Depending Read More…