Drs. Chris West and Alexandra Williams are investigating whether there are differences between the male and female heart in individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) between the C4 and T6 levels, in comparison to any sex-related differences that exist in uninjured individuals. We want to know whether these sex-related differences in the heart exist at rest, and also when your posture changes.
This study requires you to visit our lab (Blusson Spinal Cord Centre, 3rd floor) a single time. At the start of the visit, we will make sure we can get clear images of your heart with ultrasound (see Image 1). If so, we will collect ultrasound images of your heart and monitor your blood pressure while you are lying flat, and then during different postures on a tilt table (tilting upwards and downwards, see Image 2).
Why should you participate in this study?
At the moment we don’t know whether there are differences in the male and female hearts after SCI, so this study will be the first to look at whether those sex-related differences exist and how those related to blood pressure control.
You may be eligible to participate in this study if you are:
- Living with SCI or are uninjured
- Individuals with motor-complete SCI (more than 1 year) will be included if they have a lesion between the C4 and T6 levels
- Between the ages of 18-45
For participants with SCI, you cannot participate in this study if you:
- Have a history and/or symptoms of cardiovascular disease (e.g. chest pain, shortness of breath, stroke, hypertension)
- Have blood pressure at rest greater than 140/90 or less than 90/55
- Have had major trauma or surgery within the last 6 months
- Are a current smoker or have quit within the last 12 months
- Have known active Stage 3 or 4 pressure ulcer (based on the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel classification)
- Have recent (within 1 year) history of lower-extremity or non-union fracture (permanent failure of healing following a broken bone)
- Have any unstable medical/psychiatric condition that is likely to affect your ability to complete this study
- Are a female experiencing signs of menopause
You may be excluded at the discretion of the principal investigator due to other, unforeseen, safety issues.
For uninjured participants, you cannot participate in this study if you:
- Have any history of cardiovascular, respiratory, or musculoskeletal disease
- Have blood pressure at rest greater than 140/90 or less than 90/55
- Are a current smoker or have quit within the last 12 months
- Are involved in planned exercise training that includes more than 1 hour of moderate-intensity aerobic training 5 times per week, or 3 or more sessions of high-intensity training per week
- Are a female experiencing signs of menopause
Time commitment
A single visit to the laboratory at ICORD lasting 1.5-2 hours
Compensation for participation
Participants will receive an honorarium upon completion of the study.
This study will take place at:
ICORD/Blusson Spinal Cord Centre (818 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver)
For more information or to sign up to participate, please contact the study coordinator, Alexandra Williams, by email at alex.williams@ubc.ca.