
Cycling Infrastructure Project

Researcher(s): Dr. Ben Mortenson

Researchers in Dr. Ben Mortenson’s lab are interested in the transportation and cycle lane experiences of cyclists or wheeled mobility device users (e.g. users of manual or power wheelchairs, wheeled mobility scooters). Cycling is gaining prominence as a sustainable method of transportation, yet wheeled mobility devices are not often imagined as part of the cycling network. This study aims to learn more about how users with disabilities navigate pathways with different devices, and how to improve cycling infrastructure for a variety of users including those with mobility devices.

Why should you participate in this study?

Your participation can help inform potential changes to cycle lane infrastructure in local municipalities, which may improve transportation for people with disabilities.

You may be eligible to participate in the study if you:

  • Have a disability
  • Use a mobility device (e.g. manual or power wheelchair, wheeled mobility scooter, etc.) OR cycle (standard or adaptive) on cycling lanes or sidewalks
  • Live in Metro Vancouver and spend time regularly in Vancouver or Burnaby
  • Are 19+ years of age
  • Can communicate  in English
  • Can give informed consent

Time commitment: You can choose to participate in any or all of the following components of the study: online/phone interview, and/or in-person observed cycle lane trip with recall interview

Compensation for participation: for the online/phone interview: $25 stipend; for the observed cycle lane trip and recall interview: $50 stipend

Most interviews will be conducted online or over the phone. The observed cycle lane trip will occur outdoors in cycle lane infrastructure locations in Vancouver.

For more information or to sign up to participate, please contact the Mortenson Lab by email or phone 604-737-6491