
Exoskeleton and COMBO design survey

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Project title: Exoskeleton and COMBO design survey

The use of exoskeleton technology has potential for health, and functional mobility benefits for wheelchair users. Currently, this technology has practical barriers to everyday use, which limit its functional benefits. Dr. Borisoff (BCIT) has a proposed design that may decrease these barriers called the Combined Mobility Base-Orthosis (COMBO). The COMBO combines a manual wheelchair with exoskeleton technology.

This project aims to survey wheelchair users, health care providers, and mobility specialists on their perspectives about the COMBO design and exoskeleton technology with relation to health and functional mobility needs. The findings of this study will be utilized to develop further the COMBO design.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Are 18 years of age or older 
  • Use a wheelchair and/or work with people who use wheelchairs (e.g. occupational therapist, physiotherapist, physician, equipment vendor, etc.)

What is involved?

Participants will complete a short (10-15 minute) online questionnaire.

Why you might like to participate:

Your perspective into this type of technology, whether as a user or as a provider, is very valuable. Information from this survey will be used for input into the development of a new exoskeleton-wheelchair hybrid system (shown below).

In addition, if you complete our survey, you will be eligible to enter into a draw to win one of three $100.00 pre-paid VISA gift cards.

COMBOadpicIf you are interested in participating or for more information and contact details, please visit this link:  http://fluidsurveys.com/s/COMBO/.

Principal Investigators: Dr. Ben Mortenson, Dr. Jamie Borisoff