
Does your spasticity decrease while using a Segway?

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Researcher(s): Dr. Bonita Sawatzky

Project title: Muscle activity and reflex changes after a dynamic standing condition compared to a static standing condition in spinal cord injury individuals.

We will measure how your clinical spasticity measurement outcome, your muscle activity, and your reflexes will change after a dynamic or static standing condition on the Segway. Research involves coming to ICORD Blusson Spinal Cord Centre for 2 testing session lasting a maximum of 2.5 hours each.

You may be eligible to participate if:

  • you are 18-65 years of age
  • you have had a spinal cord injury for at least one year
  • you have spasticity in your lower extremities


  • you are an able-bodied person without any lower extremities/neurologic disorders

If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact:
Dr. Mahsa Sadeghi: luna.sadeghi@gmail.com or
Dr. Bonita Sawatzky: 604-675-8806 / bonitas@mail.ubc.ca