You are invited to participate in a survey about bowel care and cardiovascular function after spinal cord injury (SCI) conducted by Dr. Victoria Claydon, and her PhD student Jessica Inskip, from Simon Fraser University.
Bowel care has been identified as a key aspect for improving quality of life for individuals living with SCI. However, it has become clear that we do not know very much about current bowel care practices. We are hoping to gather more details about individuals’ current bowel care practices and their cardiovascular responses to bowel care.
Individuals living with SCI everyday are the experts in this area. Your contribution to this research may help inform future individuals who sustain a SCI by describing practices currently used by individuals living with SCI. For example, it will help provide clearer explanations of bowel care practices for information manuals. Finally, it will also help to direct future research and improvements in care.
Your participation will involve a web- or paper-based survey lasting approximately 10-15 minutes.
Participants will be entered into a draw for one of three $100 gift cards.
Participants will also have the opportunity to meet with our Nurse Continence Advisor, if interested.
To begin the web-based survey, please click here.
For a copy of the paper-based survey, please email Jessica Inskip or call her at 1-778-782-8560.
Confidentiality: These surveys will be anonymous in nature. There will be no identifying information (i. e. date of birth, name) collected from participants. All data collected will be stored securely in Dr. Claydon’s research office, and only research staff will have access to this information.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Victoria Claydon: email | 1-778-858-8118.