ICORD Principal Investigator Dr. Andrei Krassioukov will host the 4th International Autonomic Symposium on February 22, 2017 at the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre. The symposium, “Interfacing Man and Machine: Neuroprosthetics for managing autonomic function after spinal cord injury,” will examine the latest technological advances in management of autonomic dysfunctions in individuals with SCI. Autonomic disturbances, such as life-threatening fluctuations in blood pressure, or autonomic dysreflexia, are among the most common debilitating complications in individuals with SCI.
This event will gather international experts in various disciplines of medicine, basic science and the community to provide a truly multidisciplinary platform for participants to exchange ideas and learn from each other. Community participants will have the possibility to interact with clinicians and scientists during this symposium.
Visit the 4th International Autonomic Symposium event page to register and submit abstracts.