
ICORD student competes internationally

ICORD PhD student Seth Tigchelaar is representing UBC in the international Universitas 21 3-Minute Thesis competition. The 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) challenges graduate students to explain their research to a non-scientific audience in three minutes or fewer. Seth, who is Read More…

Work Learn students start the new term at ICORD

Welcome to Jessica McDougal, who starts her new job as a Clinical Research Assistant with Drs. Patricia Mills and Luke Harris today. Jessica is one of 15 UBC Work Learn students hired to work in a variety of roles at Read More…

ICORD innovators receive funding from MSFHR

Four ICORD PIs have received Innovation to Commercialization (I2C) grants from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research. This funding is designed to support translational researchers in the health and health services sectors — to advance their discoveries or inventions Read More…

Five ICORDians win MSFHR Awards

This week, the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research announced the recipients of their Scholar and Research Trainee Awards. These grants go towards furthering the MSFHR’s mission to fund innovative and promising research in British Columbia. Many ICORDians have benefited Read More…