
SCI in China: public talk on March 2

SCI in China: a talk by Dr. Li Jianjun, Director of the China Rehabilitation Research Center (CRRC) Presented by the Rick Hansen Institute Wednesday March 2 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Lecture Hall, Blusson Spinal Cord Centre (818 West 10th Read More…

Cathedrals of Science

The Blusson Spinal Cord Centre will be filled with beautiful music again on Saturday February 26th, when the Vancouver Cantata Singers present Cathedrals of Science, a concert for choir and orchestra, in the Atrium of the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre. Read More…

2011 Annual Research Meeting

This year’s Annual Research Meeting will take place on Monday February 21 and Tuesday February 22, and is open to all ICORD researchers, staff and trainees. Please contact ICORD Administration to request a registration form.