Spinal Chord 2011

Spinal Chord Gala happens November 3, 2012

Now heading into its fourth year, Spinal Chord is a fun, innovative and elegant fundraising event that has grown out of a unique partnership between ICORD and Vancouver Cantata Singers. It’s a gala party hosted in the magnificent and acoustically Read More…

ICORD team heading to London Paralympic Games

CIHR-funded spinal cord researcher Dr. Andrei Krassioukov is taking a team to this year’s Paralympic Games in London, but instead of competing in sporting events, the ICORD scientists will be conducting research and providing wheelchair athletes with crucial information about Read More…

ICORD Volunteer profiled in Success Story video

Mustafa Hassam works as a volunteer at the Community Resource Centre in the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre. He was recently profiled by WelcomeBC. See his inspiring story here: