Peer-led eHealth wheelchair skills training program: TEAM Wheels

Researcher(s): Dr. William Miller

Evaluation of a peer-led eHealth wheelchair skills training program: TEAM Wheels

This research study is being conducted to evaluate the effect of a peer-led eHealth manual wheelchair (MWC) training program (called “TEAM Wheels”) among individuals transitioning to MWC use. The goal of the study is to measure the effect of TEAM Wheels on satisfaction with participation in important activities of life compared to current practice and to measure retention of participation benefits at 6-months post treatment.

Participants will be randomly (i.e. like flipping a coin) assigned to receive the TEAM Wheels program including 3 Zoom/MS Teams meetings with a peer training (treatment group) or after a 6-week waiting period (control group). At each appointment, you will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires related to the performance of daily activities, then you will be asked to attach a small device to your wheelchair to measure the distance and speed of movement you travel in the wheelchair.

Why should you participate in this study?

Participants in the treatment group and the control group (after they receive the TEAM Wheels program) may see an improvement in their ability to operate and maneuver a manual wheelchair.

You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:

  • are 18 years of age or older
  • are a manual wheelchair user
  • have the ability to propel with both arms

You may be ineligible to participate in this study if you:

  • cannot communicate in English
  • anticipate a health condition or procedure that would not allow for training (eg. cancer; surgery)
  • are concurrently receiving any MWC skills training intervention

Time commitment

Participation will take a total of 16-17 hours for either the treatment group or the control group. These hours will occur over a 4- to 6-week period.


Participants will receive $50 for each data collection session they complete. Intervention group (TEAM Wheels) participants have 3 data collection sessions and will receive a total of $150. Control group (usual care) participants have 2 data collection sessions and will receive a total of $100.

This study will take place remotely.

For more information or to sign up to participate, please contact the study coordinator, Ethan, by email at or phone at (604) 734-1313 ext. 6292.