ICORD researcher Dr. William C. Miller, and his research team at UBC, are calling on all past participants of adaptive snow sports programs. If you have previously participated in adaptive snow sports programs, but no longer do, we invite you to participate in this research study to learn more about your experiences. The purpose of this study is to better understand the quality of participation for people living with disabilities engaged in adaptive snow sports, including those offered by the British Columbia Adaptive Snowsports (BCAS). Your participation in this study would include one over the phone, interview that will take approximately 45 minutes.
Why should you participate in this study?
The findings from your participation in this study will be translated into resources to improve the experiences of people with disabilities in adaptive snow sports programs.
You may be able to participate in this study if you:
- are 14 years of age or older
- are able to communicate in English
- are a person with a disability or are a representative of a person with a disability
- have participated in adaptive snow sports in the past but no longer choose to participate
Time Commitment
The study involves one interview, lasting approximately 45 minutes.
Compensation for participation
Participants will receive $30 upon completion.
Where will the study take place?
The study will take place over the phone.
For more information or to sign up to participate, please contact Staci Mannella by email or call 201-317-1903.