
Using virtual reality and eye-tracking to understand movement planning

Researcher(s): Dr. Tania Lam

Researchers in Dr. Tania Lam’s lab want to investigate how individuals with and without spinal cord injury (SCI) use their vision to plan a skilled walking task.

This study requires you to walk within a virtual reality environment using a specialized virtual reality headset that tracks your eye movements. During this study, you will be asked to approach and step over a virtual obstacle while attempting to deter an object in your peripheral vision. Watch the video below for a quick demonstration.

Why should you participate in this study?

We hope that the findings of this study will help us to better understand how people with and without SCI plan skilled walking movements. The results from this research will help clinicians create new rehabilitation interventions to improve community walking after partial paralysis.

You may be able to participate in this study if you:

For individuals with or without SCI:

  • between 18-65 years of age, with no cognitive impairments

For individuals with SCI:

  • have a motor incomplete spinal cord injury (traumatic or non-traumatic) and able to walk 10 metres with or without a walking aid (eg. crutches, walker, cane)

Time Commitment: Two visits on separate days, each lasting 3 hours

Participants will receive a $30 honorarium upon completion of the study.

For more information, or to sign up to participate, please contact the study coordinator, Raza Malik, by email.