Dr. Janice Eng and colleagues are interested in evaluating a website that provides information about living with spinal cord injury (SCI) called SCIRE community (www.scireproject.com/community).
Why should you participate in this study?
Your involvement in this study will help us researchers understand how this website impacts people living with spinal cord injuries and their families, and allow us to make further improvements to SCIRE Community.
You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:
- are over 19 years of age
- have previously visited or are willing to visit the SCIRE Community website on your own device
Other inclusion and exclusion criteria may apply. Please contact the study coordinator for details.
This survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. You can choose to enter a draw for a gift certificate to the Amazon online store.
For more information
Please contact Christina Cassady by email or by phone at 604-714-4117. To complete the survey, visit https://scireproject.com/community/news/online-survey/.