We’re looking to see if personal training and brief physical activity coaching sessions that are tailored to the individual can improve physical activity participation, fitness, and health. This study involves:
• 2×2-hour testing sessions to evaluate fitness, heart health (non-invasive), and psychological factors associated with exercise at the beginning and end of the study
• 9 weeks of weekly 15-minute coaching sessions
• Four six-day physical activity monitoring sessions (weeks 1, 4, 7, and 10) using accelerometer and recall
Why should you participate in this study?
You’ll receive a free personal training session.
- Weekly, 15 minute physical activity coaching sessions (will be different for everyone but can include advice on how to set goals, monitor your activity, physical activity tips and tricks, link you with resources and other people, etc.) done over Skype/telephone
- An assessment of your heart health and fitness
You can help us better develop strategies for physiotherapists to ensure their clients with SCI remain active post-discharge
You may be able to participate in this study if you
- have a chronic SCI (>1 year)
- are between the ages of 18-65
- are currently doing less than 150 minutes of aerobic exercise (at moderate to vigorous intensity) and strength training twice per week
Time commitment: 11 weeks (aside from testing sessions at the beginning and end, commitment is only 15 minutes/week and is done online)
Compensation for participation: You will be compensated $150 to thank you for your time
The study will take place in ICORD labs at the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre, 818 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, and over Skype/phone.
For more information or to sign up to participate, please contact the study coordinator, Jasmin Ma, by email or phone 613-329-1849
Number of participants required: 30