Researchers in Dr. Andrei Krassioukov’s lab at ICORD are seeking able-bodied control participants to take part in this research study.
Autonomic dysreflexia is a condition characterized by episodes of extremely high blood pressure, and is usually accompanied by headaches, slowed heart rate and sweating/flushing in the upper body. There is evidence that this type of unstable blood pressure control may impede cognitive function. We wish to explore the difference in cognitive and mood functions between individuals with SCI who experience autonomic dysreflexia and able-bodied participants.
As a control participant, your participation in this study involves:
- one 60-minute visit to ICORD (818 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver)
- performing a series of non-invasive, cognitive tests (brain-teaser games)
- providing us with a list of your current medications
Your participation will help us elucidate the effect of autonomic dysreflexia (i.e., one of the common autonomic dysfunctions experienced by individuals with high-level SCI) on cognitive and mood functions. With these preliminary findings, we hope to build on the foundation of knowledge that will eventually improve the quality of life in individuals with SCI, by mitigating the negative effects of autonomic dysfunctions.
You may be able to participate in this study if you:
- are female, aged 28-32 or 53-60 OR
- are male, aged 40-55
- do not hold graduate degrees (preferred educational background: high school, diploma, or Bachelor’s degree).
- have a good command of English.
- have not experienced traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, or severe cognitive impairment
- do not have a history of systemic illness, such as cardiovascular diseases (as hypertension and cardiac infarction), cerebrovascular accident, diabetes, etc
- do not experience experience chronic headache, depression, psychiatric disorders, seizures, or convulsions
NEW: $25 Starbucks card will be provided in appreciation of your one hour of participation.
For more information or to sign up to participate, contact the study coordinator, Annie Zheng, by email or call 604-366-3256