Principal Investigator: Dr. Kathleen Martin Ginis, McMaster University
Researchers are trying to develop evidence-based interventions to promote physical activity in people with SCI, and need your help for around 10 minutes. They’d like to talk to you in-person or by phone to ask you questions about the sorts of factors that might affect your physical activity levels (e.g. goal setting, confidence, etc.) and a detailed physical activity recall of the last three days.
Why should people participate in this study? You can help researchers to develop evidence based interventions to promote physical activity in spinal cord injury. Plus, we think they’re fun to talk to 🙂
You can participate if you have had a traumatic SCI for more than one year.
Participants will receive a $5 Starbucks gift card as thanks for their time.
Location of study: Blusson Spinal Cord Centre or by phone.
For more information or to sign up to participate, please contact the study coordinator Jasmin Ma / 604 675 8809