The CHOICES Project brings together leading researchers from across Canada with the aim of improving the lives, health and care of Canadians living with SCI.
Our research examines benefits to cardiovascular (CV) health in individuals with chronic SCI through optimized exercise and targeted education. We will determine whether educating health care providers on specific CV problems associated with SCI will help to reduce the financial burden of care, and improve treatment of people with SCI.
By providing important information on exercise training and targeted education to clinicians, this project will reduce chronic disease and improve cardiovascular health for Canadians living with SCI.
If you:
- are between 18 and 60 years old
- have a complete SCI between C4 & T6
- are available for exercise training 3x a week
- live in the Vancouver area
you could be eligible to participate in this study and have free exercise training 3 times a week. For full details on this project and to learn how you can participate, click here.