
POWER Mobility Toolkit

study logo - wheel
Researcher(s): Dr. William Miller

Project title: POWER (Paediatric Participation Outcomes for Wheelchair Evaluation in Rehabilitation) Mobility: Phase 3 Feasibility Study (POWER Mobility Toolkit)

Independent mobility is important for taking part in everyday life activities. More children than ever before are using power mobility to move around and to participate in the things they need and want to do. Although we know that providing power mobility makes a difference in children’s lives, we have little research evidence supporting the effectiveness of this treatment.

We recognize that large, multi-site studies are desirable to obtain the numbers required for establishing statistically and clinically meaningful results when investigating treatment effectiveness. However, there are a number of questions that need to be answered before we conduct such a large-scale study. Feasibility studies are often used by researchers to test the value of conducting a larger study on a smaller number of participants before going to the effort and expense of a larger study.

The aim of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of using the proposed research methods to investigate the impacts of providing a new power wheelchair on wheelchair driving performance and participation in everyday activities for children and youth with mobility limitations.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Are 5 to 17 years of age
  • Have a long term physical disability that makes walking challenging
  • Have been recommended for a new power wheelchair by your therapist
  • Are able to operate your power wheelchair with age appropriate supervision
  • Plan to use your new power wheelchair regularly (at least on a weekly basis)

What is involved?

You and your child will also complete several questionnaires that ask about their wheelchair use and participation in everyday activities. You will be asked to complete these 5 different times over a 6 month period (two times before getting the new wheelchair and at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after getting the wheelchair). The sessions can take place at your home, your child’s school, your neighborhood, or at GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre or ICORD Blusson Pavillion in Vancouver. Each session will take no more than 2.0 hours.

Why you might like to participate:

Your participation in this study will help us determine the feasibility of conducting research on children’s power mobility use and participation in everyday life activities. As a result of participating, your child may improve his or her wheelchair mobility. An honorarium will be provided to offset your expenses.


If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Debbie at dfield1@interchange.ubc.ca or phone (604) 719-8588.


Researchers: Dr. Bill Miller; Debbie Field; Dr. Steve Ryan, Dr. Tal Jarus, Lori Roxborough