
Effectiveness of a wheelchair skills training program for caregivers of power mobility users

Researcher(s): Dr. William Miller

Project title: Effectiveness of a Wheelchair Skills Training Program for Caregivers of Power Mobility Users

Researchers at GF Strong want to determine if providing caregivers with power wheelchair training will improve their wheelchair handling skills and reduce their burden.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Are a caregiver (e.g., partner, spouse, family member, close friend, paid help) of someone 50 years of age or older who uses a power wheelchair
  • Assist with power wheelchair use at least 2 hrs/wk
  • Are 19 years of age or older
  • Speak in English
  • The power wheelchair user you care for is able to participate in the study during the training sessions (ideally)

What is involved?

Participants will be required to complete 4 data collection sessions and 5 training sessions.

Why you might like to participate:

Your participation in this study will help us learn more about what type of training we should be providing for caregivers of power wheelchair users. As a result of participating, you may improve your power wheelchair handling skills.

caregiverIf you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Jennifer at Jennifer.Querques@ubc.ca or phone 604-714-4108.

Principal Investigators: Dr. Bill Miller; Dr. Paula Rushton