Headshot of Dr. Christopher West

Dr. Chris West shows SCI affects the heart

Spinal cord injury affects the heart – that’s what research published in Experimental Physiology and carried out by by ICORD PI Dr. Chris West has found. The heart undergoes changes after spinal cord injury that are dependent on how severe Read More…

BICP-funded seed grant leads to US$1.926M grant

ICORD PIs Drs. Christ West and Brian Kwon have been awarded US$1.926 million by the US Department of Defense to study how changes to heart function following SCI can impact mobility. Their study, Offsetting cardiac dysfunction in acute spinal cord injury Read More…

ICORD student competes internationally

ICORD PhD student Seth Tigchelaar is representing UBC in the international Universitas 21 3-Minute Thesis competition. The 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) challenges graduate students to explain their research to a non-scientific audience in three minutes or fewer. Seth, who is Read More…