ICORD researcher releases ground-breaking data
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an incurable debilitating condition characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints. Because of this, people with RA may suffer from chronic pain, as well as restricted range of motion, leading to a lower quality of Read More…

Seed grants awarded for Spring 2014
Seed Grants are designed to support novel research projects proposed by ICORD Principal Investigators and Investigators. Funding for these initiatives is provided by the Rick Hansen Foundation through the Blusson Integrated Cures Partnership. The following projects were funded in the Read More…

Prestigious awards received by ICORD biomechanics trainees Carolyn van Toen and Jackie Soicher
One former and one current ICORD trainee have recently been awarded prestigious awards from the Ohio Injury Biomechanics Symposium and the Northwest Biomechanics Symposium for their work on spinal cord injury biomechanics! Carolyn van Toen was awarded the Hines Award for best Read More…

Congratulations to Jacquelyn Cragg, ASIA Apple Award recipient!
Congratulations to ICORD trainee Jacquelyn Cragg and her colleagues Dr. Vanessa Noonan and ICORD PIs Drs. Andrei Krassioukov, and Jaimie Borisoff, for winning the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Apple Award for excellence in publishing in spinal cord injury (SCI) research! Read More…

Dr. John Steeves is one of this year’s Wall Scholars Research Award recipients.
Dr. John Steeves was recently awarded a 2014 Wall Scholars Research Award from the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This award is awarded to UBC Faculty members based on the candidate’s scholarly achievements, excellence in research proposal for innovative research Read More…