
Spinal Chord awards for staff excellence

Congratulations to Clarrie Lam and Peter van Stolk, winners of the Spinal Chord Awards for Staff Excellence in August, 2011

Service: Clarrie Lam (Tetzlaff lab)

Clarrie’s nominations commended her patience and skill at teaching lab members new techniques and directing the work of volunteers, students and techs, her efficiency in managing the lab, her mastery of multitasking and her excellent interpersonal abilities.

Research: Peter van Stolk (Ramer + Krassioukov labs)

Peter’s nomination was submitted on behalf of all Ramer and Krassioukov Lab members, and highlighted the excellent quality of his work in the lab, his foresight, and his enthusiastic participation in research events (journal club, meetings, even safety committee) and his supportive and collegial attitude in the lab.

lab1About the awards

To celebrate service and/or research excellence on the part of ICORD staff, we are pleased to be able to offer Spinal Chord Awards for Staff Excellence. Supported with funds raised at the annual Spinal Chord gala, these awards provide a modest but tangible expression of appreciation for the efforts of ICORD staff. Staff members can be nominated for a particularly well-done task or project, or for overall excellence in the performance of their duties. One award each for service and research will be given again in February, 2012. Awards will be given in the form of a $250 gift certificate to a shop or service of the recipients’ choice. Nomination forms are available here.