
Cathedrals of Science concert available online

A concert by the Vancouver Cantata Singers recorded at the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre in February, 2011, is now available as part of CBC Radio2’s Concerts on Demand series. Vancouver Cantata Singers recently won the Healey Willan Prize for best amateur choir in Canada. The recording they submitted for the competition was also recorded at BSCC.

Vancouver Cantata Singers love the acoustics in the BSCC atrium. Hear them live at Spinal Chord 2011, a gala fundraiser in support of both ICORD and VCS taking place on Saturday, November 5th.

Rehearsal for the Cathedrals of Science concert, photographed by choir member J. Evan Kreider

Rehearsal for the Cathedrals of Science concert, photographed by choir member J. Evan Kreider