
ICORD researcher launches new book at San Diego’s Comic-Con

ironmancoverDr E. Paul Zehr has combined his love of neuroscience and comic book superheros into a new book called Inventing Iron Man: The possibility of a human machine. The book is a scientifically sound look at brain-machine interfaces and the outer limits where neuroscience and neural plasticity meet, mixed with a large dose of pop culture fun. Dr. Zehr was invited to present his book at San Diego’s Comic-Con, the largest comic book and popular arts convention in the world, held July 21-24. He addressed topics ranging from Bionics, Robotic Armor, and Anthropomorphic Suits to Multitasking and the Metal Man:How Much Can Iron Man’s Mind Manage? The book is available for pre-order on Amazon currently and it set to be released for this September.

Dr. Zehr speaking at Comic-Con, July 21, 2011

Dr. Zehr speaking at Comic-Con, July 21, 2011