
Full house for world premiere

Blusson concert-0899The atrium of the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre was filled with delighted music-lovers on snowy February 26th. After excellent previews in the Georgia Straight and Vancouver Sun, there was standing-room-only for Cathedrals of Science, a concert for choir and orchestra performed by Vancouver Cantata Singers. Choir member Dr. Evan Kreider documented the process of mounting this amazing show on his blog.

The concert featured the world premiere of two pieces composed by Jordan Nobles: Processional (with text taken from the Hippocratic Oath) and Tombeau d’Ann Southam. These works were commissioned by Vancouver Cantata Singers and composed especially for performance in the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre.

The concert was recorded by CBC Radio 2 and was broadcast on The Signal (March 26, 10:00pm). A further broadcast will follow on Choral Concert (May 8, 9:00am).

Blusson rehearsal-0800