
Travelling Health Fair comes to Blusson Spinal Cord Centre

This event is presented by the UBC Department of Health, Safety and Environment.

All UBC Staff and Faculty are welcome.

Friday March 5, 9:00- 4:30 pm

Sign up online to book your individual appointment for:

  • nutritional health, focused on weight loss;
  • nutritional health, focused on eating for energy and boosting your immune system;
  • depression screenings;
  • cardiovascular health assessment (blood pressure, body-mass index, waist circumference);

Register by March 3, 2010.  Space is limited!

*Please register for just one appointment for the day. If there are any spaces available, you can sign up for an additional appointment on the day of the fair, at the Welcome Desk which will be located in the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre North Entrance.

Also register online for the following workshops offered in the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre Atrium on March 5:

Workplace Snacks- Power of Food Style: Master the Art of Cooking with a Nutritional Punch with Adam Hart (www.poweroffood.com) During this workshop participants are given the opportunity to discover how to prepare nutritious snacks that are simple to make and taste fantastic. Learn the secrets of how to prepare nutritious and tasty snacks, including power bars, and discover what food increase energy and how to use them with ease.

Yoga in the Workplace with UBC Rec (www.rec.ubc.ca) Learn yoga stretches and techniques that you can perform even when sitting at a desk or a computer.  Taking a short break to do some stretches has many benefits, such as increased blood flow to the brain (to help us with focus and clarity), and dealing with stress. Taking just a few minutes a day can make us more productive and benefit our physical and mental health.