
ICORD researchers invent helmet that significantly reduces forces to neck during head-first impact

ICORD researchers, Dr. Peter Cripton, Director of the UBC Injury Biomechanics Laboratory, and PhD candidate, Tim Nelson, have invented a sports helmet that reduces direct impact to the neck by up to 56 per cent, according to preliminary tests. Dubbed Pro-Neck-TorTM, the patent-pending technology features a movable inner shell that guides the head to tilt slightly forward or backward in a head-on impact, thus allowing dissipation of direct loads to the cervical spine. The inner shell mechanism is deployed only when the wearer lands head-first with a certain speed and angle at impact. It works otherwise like existing sports helmets.

Click here to read the official news release.
Click here to visit the Pro-Neck-TorTM website and learn more about this new invention.