
Dr. Aziz Ghahary joins ICORD

Dr. Aziz Ghahary, a world-renowned leader in the field of wound healing, will be joining ICORD and moving with his research team into the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre this summer. Dr. Ghahary is a Professor in the UBC Department of Read More…

BCPA offers bursaries for students with SCI

The British Columbia Paraplegic Foundation is inviting applications from students–or prospective students–with spinal cord injuries, for their annual bursaries. To apply, potential recipients must be: Canadian citizens or landed immigrants, Residents of BC, and Attending, or planning to attend, a Read More…

Dr. Brian Kwon to represent Canada

ICORD Principal Investigator Dr. Brian Kwon has been chosen by the Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) to represent Canada on the American-British-Canadian (ABC) Travelling Fellowship, which is awarded every two years. He will travel with a series of American orthopaedic surgeons, Read More…

Leanne Ramer is a 2011 VCHRI Top Graduating Doctoral Student

ICORD Trainee Leanne Ramer was recently named a Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute Top Graduating Doctoral Student for her outstanding research accomplishments and contributions to the scientific community. Leanne is a member of the Krassioukov Lab and also represents the Read More…